how guests perceive your hotel text2data

Quick Guide: Get to know how guests perceive your hotel in less than 10 minutes

Sentiment analysis and text analytics are becoming incrementally widespread. People have decided to let artificial intelligence performing analysis of text and sentiment and in the majority of cases it has done a wonderful job..

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data mining in Excel

Document categorization and data mining in Excel.

Data mining is a process of exploration through data to discover essential and hidden patterns and trends. The process may be helpful in business area where managers...

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start with sentiment analysis

How to start with sentiment analysis.

Incremental development of sentiment analysis, and general interest in this topic caused a lot of business started to perceive it as an amazing tool to double their profits. Actually, it turned out to be true and companies more willingly use it to analyzing data. How you can use your internal database to gain more profits and create a great retail strat...

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sentiment in R

Sentiment analysis in R.

There are many ways to perform sentiment analysis in R, including external packages. Most of those common methods are based on dictionary lookups that allow to calculate sentiment based on static data.....

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sentiment analysis info

Some basics about sentiment analysis.

Sentiment analysis is a process of understanding and extracting information from text document. What is more, it easily determines if a piece of writing or even spoken language is positive, negative or neutral...

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