Sentiment Analysis lets you address following areas of your business

Extract information

about people, places, events..

Understand sentiment about your product

on social media and various channels..

Analyze feedback in real-time

from customer conversations happening in a call center or a messaging app..

Track how a change in product

or service affects how customers feel..

Track customer sentiment over time

and measure the trend..

Target individuals

to improve their service..

Sample Reports/ Usage examples - platform that uses our service to analyze product reviews

They monitor product reviews and periodically update their reports

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CX Report - Airbnb

The report contains comparison of 3 Airbnb properties

open report

CX Report - Amazon 5 star reviews

Report contains analysis of 5 star Amazon reviews for randomly selected TV. Product link:

open report

CX Report - Blockchain

The report contains a small sample of tweets that mention Blockchain.

open report

CX Report - CNBC

The report contains a small sample of tweets that mention CNBC.

open report

Emotion analysis on iPhone XR and Samsung s10

Contains emotion analysis comparison between iPhone and Samsung phones based on small Twitter sample data.

open report

CX Report - Samsung Phones

The report contains a small sample of tweets that mention SamsungPhones.

open report

CX Report - Tour operators

The report contains a small sample of tweets that compare the data of Thomas Cook, TUI UK and Virgin Holidays

open report

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Excel Add-In generated report

Sample report generated using our Excel Add-In on laptop reviews

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