The AI at work

Bring Text Analytics Platform that uses NLP (Natural Language Processing) and Machine Learning to your work environment. Extract essential information from your text documents and let Artificial Intelligence save your time. Get detailed and agile reports on your unstructured data.

Real time analytics

React without delay. AI helps you prevent problems before they happen.

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Advanced reports

Generate impressive customer experience reports directly in PowerBI and Tableau.

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Easy access to platform

Run Text Analytics Platform using Excel, Google Sheets or API. Analyze your documents remotely or in-house.

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Quick and easy

Text Analytics API engine

Our powerful text analytics api allows you easy integrations with your internal systems. Check api integration samples var docResult = API.GetDocumentAnalysisResult(doc);.
See documentation for more info.

You might also connect to our api service using our
Excel Add-In and Google Sheets add-on


Google Sheets

Text Analytics Platform Features

Shared API

Gives you access to advanced text analytics services, plus:

Excel Add-In (one seat)

Google Sheets Add-on (one seat)

User classification models

English sentiment model support

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Custom API endpoint (dedicated server)

Gives you unlimited access to advanced text analytics services, plus:

Excel Add-In (unlimited seat licence)

Google Sheets Add-on (unlimited seat licence)

User classification and sentiment models

Multi-language sentiment model support: English, French, German, Spanish

Dedicated database allowing easy PowerBI or Tableau integrations

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